My survival story................

In the spring of 2019, my family began a transition to Charlotte, North Carolina, to plant a church with a team from the upstate. However, in June our plans were put on hold as a doctor diagnosed me with a rare autoimmune disease called aplastic anemia. 

My body’s immune system malfunctioned and started attacking itself; my body literally began killing me. I underwent weekly blood transfusions to stay alive, and my life changed to a one of isolation and loneliness. My health condition, paired with a limited social and work life, took a toll on my family.

In October of that year, my treatment was in its final week. Then things took a turn for the worse and I thought I was going to die. I wound up in the hospital for another two weeks before I returned home. Though I survived and lived, the side effects of the treatment and chemo drugs had a negative effect on my life.

There is more to my story but this is where the WHY comes to play.

After two years of recovery and a global pandemic, I needed to rethink my vision for life. At the end of 2020, I wanted to take what I learned through my health experiences coupled with my previous work and put it to good use, even though my struggles still continue.

That’s when Steadfast HOPE was born. I embody these words. 

Steadfast implies an unwavering commitment and faithfulness to live despite every trial, suffering, and tragedy. HOPE means more than just to wish. The Greek word for HOPE has a disposition of looking to the future with an expectation of a future outcome.

In 2021, I started to take an abstract idea and make it a concrete reality. The mission of Steadfast HOPE is to Encourage and Equip Men to Enjoy a Healthier Lifestyle.

I want to see men, whether in a family or single, live healthily and holistically. I learned through my struggles and continue to learn that a man needs to be balanced and that a balanced life has positive outcomes for himself, his loved ones, and his community.